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Spend Your Christmas Day With Danisa Butter Cookies

Danisa Butter Cookies   — How to spend your Christmas Day ? Everything you do to celebrate the holidays makes your home special for family and guests. Try these easy ideas for keeping the holiday joyful and your home welcoming. Christmas is all about spending time with my family. I cherish any chance we have to spend all day together making gingerbread houses, baking cookies, or sitting around and watching movies. What is the Christmas tradition in Denmark? Here is the review of it. Wreaths December in Denmark usually begins by making Advent wreaths that are surrounded by four candles and formed circles. The wreaths are made of fine spruce pieces decorated with red berries and white candles. This wreath symbolizes the eternity of God. The four candles have the meaning of love, hope, joy, and peace. In some churches there are four purple candles (which symbolize fasting, loyalty, and regret) and in the center is placed a white candle that is larger than the other four candles. T

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